Thursday, November 12, 2009

Facing Life's Daily Challenges

We all face challenges in life, some of us fall into valleys while others struggle to climb up to the mountain top…the difference between the person in the valley and the one climbing the side of the mountain is perseverance. Both people must look up and not look down in order to continue pulling themselves up to the next level. If you continue to focus on how far you must go to reach your goal you only find your journey extending farther beyond your expectations. 

We must focus on how far we have come to get to this point and celebrate those small and large victories for what they are…victories. You made it another day and no matter what you’re going through you must realize and believe that IT IS a blessing! You must continue to have courage to continue to fight and grow; and faith that it can and will be done. I hope that all of my sisters young and old remember in times of turmoil, heartache and grief that, “…this too shall pass…” 
- Natasha Foreman

©2009 Natasha Foreman

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